Friday, October 31, 2008

Freaking Out In Florida

Went out to get the mail and my neighbor said to check behind the gutter downspouts--between the downspouts and the brick. He was holding a dead snake which his boys found there peaking out at them from behind their downspout, and making a few ill attempted strikes. I went back in the house knowing a snake or snakes were watching me. Now I am feeling snakes crawl up my leg every now and then as I write this.
Between snakes, the elections, and worrying if I will have Jury Duty on Monday-no wonder my neck and upper back are in a state of distress. I'm too old for this. I hope Tekoe hates snakes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I can just see you handling that one!!! Turn that attack cat loose on them if they get into the house! I can tell by the looks of her that she is part mongoose!