Friday, October 24, 2008

It's Your Stuff!

How many times have friends or even Oprah told us to un-clutter our lives? Why can’t they seem to let us have our stuff? Apparently our friends watch Oprah.

Here’s my theory. Oprah is stumping for some author’s book about un-cluttering your life. Someone on her show-I think it was her show, went so far as to say to get rid of your family photos because they are already in your mind-what the dag nabbit is she talking about?
Here’s my two cents on this matter. When one talks about clutter, I picture old newspapers, magazines, junk mail, etc. One could even say family photos if you have them scattered far and wide throughout your home. Organization is the key-organize all that you want to keep. Maybe you haven’t used it or looked at it in 10 years-who cares! It is your stuff. Frankly I love my stuff, and if I didn’t I wouldn’t have gotten it.
Take all your loose photos and put them in a box with the idea you will organize them later-for heavens sake-don’t throw them out.

Clutter can also take the form of hoarding. When you cross the line to hoarding you have bigger problems than my blog can deal with-see a psychiatrist.

Sometimes you have to un-clutter your life by letting go of negative, depressing people. You don’t have to be rude, just unavailable. The freedom you get from this is unbelievable. I would say that The Oprah Show is one of those things you might want to let go out of your life.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I totally agree with you and have let go of Oprah and several other, who shall remain protect myself. Bad friends and family are like dead weight...Best to let them least once youve realized there is no hope.