Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Over 50 - Mature Women Unite

This blog was started for several reasons.
1. Older women are tired of being treated as if their opinions are no longer valid.
2. Since we are older, have wrinkles, and sag a bit-we are no longer considered sexy.
3. Some younger people have no idea what we are capable of doing- they assume it is pretty much nothing.
We are mentally capable, we can do pretty much anything, and that includes in the bedroom.
So-all you over 50 mature women, and even not so mature ones--we would love to hear from you.
Fill us in on good or bad experiences you have had regarding your age. Just add it to the comment section so we can all see what you have to say. Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you.

Remember-We are wearing our big girl panties and can do anything!


Kathy said...

this is really cute. you found a niche! If only I was over 50....haha
There are many things good about getting is that I am NOT afraid to say what I think anymore. Good or bad, it comes out of my mouth much easier and guess what? It's OK! Its so empowering to ask the telemarketers the questions I always wanted to ask, but were afraid to. I dont have a problem anymore saying " You know I'm the customer and you should be nice to me!".

Thanks for the blog, I look forward to seeing more on it!

Concerned-Citizen said...

With age comes wisdom, and less tolerance for stupid, rude people.
Like, "Hey little Missy-I didn't just fall off the turnip truck".

Weavin' Wicker Woman said...

Hi Ladies!

I was so happy to run across your blog for women over 50. Since I just turned 57, it was refreshing to see something targeted just to me.

What brought me to your site was a Google Alert I have set up on "wicker furniture." I saw your new vintage piece and will comment about that under that post.

Now, one word to the wise, as you already commented we older women have faces, boobs and stomachs that are sagging and one other thing that's also going by the wayside is our eye sight. So, reading white text on a black background is very, very hard on these old eyes. Please consider changing your Granny Divas blog to a light background with dark text or lettering.

Otherwise, LOVE your blog, keep up the good work and visit mine too at